Fees, Charges and Deposits

Irrigation Penalty Charge:
5% of the unpaid balance at 5:30pm on the third business day in January plus 1.5% of the unpaid balance at the end of January and at the end of each month thereafter that an unpaid balance remains

Irrigation Pump Test:
Contact the office for fee information

Late Fee:
$5.00 or 1.5% of past due balance, whichever is higher

Recording/Filing Fee:
Actual Cost

Renewable Energy Incentive Program Application Fee:

Returned Payment Charge:

Trip Charge:
During Normal Working Hours* $50.00
After Hours* $200.00

* “Normal Working Hours” is defined as the period of time between 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday except holidays observed by the Cooperative. If any work, including travel, is performed outside this time frame, charges shall be billed as “After Hours”.

Deposit/Letter of Credit

Residential and General Service Accounts — A deposit of up to two months highest usage in a twelve month period may be required if a letter of credit with good credit history for the past twelve months cannot be provided by the new member from their prior electric utility.

The deposit may be credited to a member’s account after twelve months of excellent credit history with the Cooperative. A deposit may be required for existing members who have an unsatisfactory payment history with the Cooperative.

Irrigation Accounts: A deposit from new and existing members may be required on irrigation accounts. The deposit shall be in cash or security acceptable to the Cooperative. The deposit is in addition to the facility charge. Both the deposit and the facility charge must be paid in order for the account to be / remain connected.