Fuel Mix

Fuel Type*
Coal 0.00%
Hydro 78.95%
Natural Gas 0.00%
Nuclear 10.18%
Petroleum 0.00%
Solar 0.00%
Wind 0.41%
Other Generation 0.00%
Unspecified Sources** 10.46%
Total 100.00%

*Based on Washington State Department of Commerce 2022 Electric Utility Fuel Mix Disclosure Report
**Unspecified sources is electricity purchased in a market purchase transaction where the seller does not identify a specific generating source.

Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

The Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) was passed into law in 2019 and applies to all electric utilities serving retail customers in Washington and sets specific milestones to reach the required 100% clean electricity supply.  CETA requires electric utilities to prepare a clean energy implementation plan (CEIP) by January 1, 2022, and every four years thereafter.

Big Bend Electric Cooperative has submitted a CEIP to the Washington State Department of Commerce.  The plan details actions to meet targets for renewable and non-emitting energy, energy efficiency, and demand response.

Big Bend Electric Cooperative’s Clean Energy Implementation Plan as submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce.